Bpsych (hons) Masters clinical neuropsychology MAPS
Our retreats are organised by Tania, a psychologist and self confessed travel addict in her early 30′s who believes it is incredibly important to take time to be in the moment! She feels that the stressors and struggles of life can take a serious physical toll on your body and emotional well being if you don’t listen to your intuition and take time to do what is important to you. She is influenced by both modern contextualized behavioural sciences and ancient Buddhist teachings and these are always present in her work. She has also studied Thai massage and likes to include some body work in her practise.
“Often at the end of the day, getting back to the simple things in life and taking some time for yourself is so important if you want to enjoy a good life”
She practices ACT, Compassion Focused & Mindfulness therapies. In this way she uses modern contextualized science principles and ancient Buddhist principles to ground people in the present moment, let go of those things which no longer serve them and get them into the life that they want to be living despite having all the stress that goes along with being human. She has great interest in how the cognitive and emotional mind works as well as it’s connections with the body & personal well being. Being educated in cognitive neuropsychology & also having a strong spiritual connection, she loves to delve into the mystery that is our mind and explore it’s many fascinating elements.
“ I believe that getting people together on retreat creates a great way to get back to what is important. A great time for new beginnings and transitions. Taking time out to just chill, learn something and meet new people from so many different places and phases in their life is truly inspiring! It’s as much a time for me to recharge and regroup as anyone else on retreat. Everyone tends to come away having learnt a few new things about themselves and feeling like they have made a really good decision to look after their mind body and spirit”